05 June 2023The Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) officially comes into force today, including significant measures to improve mobility of skilled workers and young people between both countries.

The Australia-United Kingdom Free Trade Agreement (A-UKFTA) officially comes into force today, including significant measures to improve mobility of skilled workers and young people between both countries.
Australian Technology Network of Universities (ATN) Executive Director, Luke Sheehy, said initiatives included in the deal will deliver great benefits.
“Our universities, students and entrepreneurs, along with many established companies, will benefit from this agreement, particularly in the current inflationary economic environment,” Mr Sheehy said.
ATN Universities already has a well-established connection to the UK, one of Australia’s major trading partners, which includes our own long-standing partnership with the University Alliance grouping.
This trade agreement also confirms that there has never been a more crucial time to collaborate on national security using the governing architecture of AUKUS and Five Eyes.
“I agree with the sentiments expressed today by Trade Minister, the Hon. Senator Don Farrell, that this deal will build on the strength of our past while looking to the future and emerging technologies, and that is why the promotion of innovation is also crucial to its success,” Mr Sheehy added.
“With nine out of 10 jobs of the future needing a post-secondary qualification, it is very clear why the Australian and UK governments have focused on sharing innovation policy, particularly across health, agriculture and energy and ensuring supply chain resilience.”